Deploying a Hugo blog to Cloudflare using Terraform

Today I decided I would like to move my blog to Cloudflare Pages. I didn’t want to go with ClickOps, so I created a Terraform configuration.

I started with configuring the Cloudflare Terraform provider.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    cloudflare = {
      source  = "cloudflare/cloudflare"
      version = "3.28.0"

provider "cloudflare" {
  api_token = var.api_token

Next, I specified the source repository, and deployment config.

I used the HUGO_VERSION environment variable to specify a recent Hugo version, as the default version is quite old.

resource "cloudflare_pages_project" "blog" {
  account_id        = var.account_id
  name              = "mbialon-blog"
  production_branch = "main"

  source {
    type = "github"
    config {
      owner                         = "mbialon"
      repo_name                     = "blog"
      production_branch             = "main"
      pr_comments_enabled           = true
      deployments_enabled           = true
      production_deployment_enabled = true
      preview_branch_includes       = ["*"]

  build_config {
    build_command   = "hugo"
    destination_dir = "public"

  deployment_configs {
    preview {
      environment_variables = {
        HUGO_VERSION = "0.107.0"
    production {
      environment_variables = {
        HUGO_VERSION = "0.107.0"

After deploying the site, it received a unique subdomain on * As I wanted to use my domain, I added the custom domain and specified the DNS record.

resource "cloudflare_pages_domain" "apex" {
  account_id   = var.account_id
  project_name =
  domain       = ""

resource "cloudflare_record" "apex" {
  zone_id = var.zone_id
  type    = "CNAME"
  name    = ""
  value   =
  proxied = true

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash