Arduino: checking memory footprint

Arduino: checking memory footprint

I can check the memory footprint using the avr-size command.

% avr-size microcoap.cpp.elf …

Nested commands with argparse

Nested commands with argparse

Given the following argparse setup:

def foo_bar():

parser = …

Rejs po Zatoce Gdańskiej

Rejs po Zatoce Gdańskiej

W terminie 20.09 - 27.09 odbyliśmy rejs na pokładzie S/Y Kacyk. Jacht przeznaczony jest dla …

Long Live the Kings

Long Live the Kings


Legos for the iPad Generation

Legos for the iPad Generation

littleBits Founder Ayah Bdeir discusses her opensource library of electronic modules that snap …

Never Make Counter-Offers

Never Make Counter-Offers

Management figures they’ll save money on salaries by leaving it up to the employees to …

Why the Mythbusters won't do RFID

Why the Mythbusters won't do RFID

<div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: …

Why would you want to work at ThoughtWorks

Why would you want to work at ThoughtWorks

In many companies, particularly consulting companies, salespeople call the shots, have most of …

The Innovators

The Innovators